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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Suits me

Some days I am very, very good at my job.

Today was one of those days. I carefully chose my second favourite Calvin Klein suit (not my favourite - this wasn't a job interview after all) and a neatly-ironed shirt which went well with it. I took high heels to change into once I'd shed my snow boots. I even bothered applying make-up this morning. That's how good an employee I am. I even shaved my legs, but to be honest, that's not something my employers check regularly.

I ran a workshop. I used a brilliant ice-breaker. I got people laughing. I was authoritative but not too bossy. I tied up the workshop half an hour earlier than people were expecting after achieving the desired outcome much earlier than planned, and sent them on their way. I was thanked profusely for running such a good session. I am so great.

And about five minutes before I left the office to go home, I took my first well-deserved toilet break of the day. And discovered that all day I have had my suit jacket (very obviously) done up on the wrong buttons like a five year-old who can't button their duffle coat by themselves.

It's a good job I wear slip-on shoes.

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