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Monday, March 30, 2009

Tea time

Mrs Nunn is coming to stay. Let me just repeat that, for the hard of reading. Mrs. Nunn. Is. Coming. To. Stay. A bit like "Santa Claus is coming to town", but with fewer chimneys and more cups of tea.

Mrs Nunn drinks tea constantly. I don't mean she drinks a lot of tea, I literally mean she drinks tea constantly. When she puts the kettle on she makes two cups, so she can drink one straight after the other. And when she's finished both cups of tea, she makes another two. Straight away. After pressuring everyone else to join in her tea habit. "Are you sure you won't have one? I'm making one anyway. Ah, go on." Mrs Doyle from Father Ted has nothing on Mrs Nunn. And she wees a lot. Probably because of all the tea she drinks.

I sometimes think that if Mrs Nunn won the lottery, the only way she could make her life better would be by having herself hooked up to an IV of tea whilst sitting on the toilet. I haven't told her that though. Mrs Nunn is a bit scary.

Mrs Nunn is coming to stay because my choir is doing a concert. I tried to tell her in tactful terms that it probably wasn't worth the train fare, but she insisted. I tried to explain that we were the only choir to sing with honesty, There's gotta be something better than this, but she was heedless.

So Mrs Nunn is coming to stay. Watch this space.


MJenks said...

Egad. Good luck with that.

My mother-in-law swills tea by the buckets. I hate tea. Therefore, when she shows up, the first thing that happens is my microwave is infected with the stench of tea bags boiling. And then they sit and stanch in the kitchen, spreading their stench.

Oh, how I hate tea.

Oh, good luck with your visits.

Erica said...

Ah remember how in House Music one judge said that she really believed that we didn't want to talk about it?

Changing the subject, microwaved tea? (comment above). Would your mum approve of that?

Jo said...

Why on earth would you microwave a cup of tea?

Anonymous said...

Because they don't have kettles in America.

Tru dat.

Laura said...

Ah now, whilst it's true Americans don't have kettles there is no, repeat no excuse for microwaving tea. It's easy. Fill a saucepan with water. Wait for water to boil. Pour into cup. Add tea bag. I can't believe I've just given you a recipe for tea.

So in short, I say NO to microwaved tea (unless you've accidentally let it go cold and just need it warming through).

And yes, I do remember the House Music judge saying that. I don't even think she was joking.

Crikey - storm in a tea cup, eh? Eh? I make myself laugh...

L x

MJenks said...

I didn't say that there was a good reason to microwave the tea. It's just a means to an end.

At the same time, this is also iced tea that we're talking about, so maybe it's not worthy of a kettle.

Hey, I may not like tea, but I understand that there is a rank and file to these sorts of things.

Sara said...

I live in America... and I made it a point to buy an electric kettle! No microwaving necessary!

Laura said...

OK... one question. Why would you make iced tea in a microwave?

Surely the clue is in the name, and a fridge would better suit your requirements.

Also, cold tea is wrong, wrong, wrong.

MJenks said...

Well, you still need to brew the tea (apparently) and then cool it down for the iced part. Thus, the necessity of the microwave.

Take the bags, dip them in water, microwaves them, steep them, ice them. I guess that's the SOP for iced tea.