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Monday, March 05, 2007

Best thing since sliced bread

Marmite. You either love it or hate it, right? Not me. I think it's OK. I have a jar of it in the cupboard that's been there for a year or so, and occasionally I'll have some on toast. Most of the time I don't think about it.

I am ambivalent towards Marmite. I am now quite worried that I may be generally quite an ambivalent person.

I think wars are mostly wrong... but can kind of see how the Iraq thing happened. But not enough to protest either way.

I don't believe in fox-hunting... but I can see that worse things happen in the world, so I'm not going to spend my time arguing either for or against it.

The Congestion Charge annoys me... but I can see why it was put in place, and environmentally I imagine it has helped to keep cars from the centre of London during the day.

I think hurting animals is bad... but I'm hypocritical enough to continue eating meat - even though I can't bring myself to kill a mosquito. (Not that a mosquito would make a particularly satisfying meal. Although my mum always says I eat like a bird, so perhaps it would and I should give it a try. Separate issue perhaps.)

One of these days I really ought to try and get some strong opinions on something. Then again... I'm not sure.


Anonymous said...

there was that brief period where you wree in the black liberation front in the late 70s...

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura

Im testing you're strong opinions; on stuff: I no you have them!

H xx

Anonymous said...

Hazel you have been down under for too long - it should be 'I know you have them'.

On the other hand Laura, excuse me for jumping on your blog but I do have to put Hazel right on these things, or would she say 'write, rite?' Who knows, now she is upside down all the time.

Anyway as a mother of a child with a libra star sign I recongnise your dilemma as being typical libra indecisiveness, will she? won't she has been something I have been experiencing with Hazel since she could talk and I believe your birthday is somewhere near hers and so that makes you a libra too. I enjoy the blog. Hazel's Mum

Anonymous said...

Following on from what "anonymous said..." said, maybe it's because I'm a two-faced Gemini rather than a well-balanced Librarian that people either love or hate me.

Anonymous said...

Homeless people bring it on themselves... Discuss.

Anonymous said...

Marmite is just sex... It's lots of squishinessness now thna it used to be. Easily spreadable.

You can get squishy dispensers. No joke.

Once, your paramour.



Anonymous said...

Marmite is just sex... It's lots of squishinessness now thna it used to be. Easily spreadable.

You can get squishy dispensers. No joke.

Once, your paramour.



Anonymous said...

Marmite is just sex... It's lots of squishinessness now thna it used to be. Easily spreadable.

You can get squishy dispensers. No joke.

Once, your paramour.



Anonymous said...

Hi Hazel's Mum
Hazel also used the wrong "you're". She did both deliberately to test Laura's strong opinion on grammar and punctuation.... :o) Nothing to do with being upside down...
Hazel x

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the multiple, er...

Salty spread.


Anonymous said...

I refuse to join this discussion


Laura said...

Crikey, you lot... OK, here goes:

Hazel - yes, you're right, badly-used grammar does fire me up. Still, I'm not sure this is the sort of thing I should be building my life around. Sod it, it's all I've got, opinion-wise.

Hazel's mum - always lovely to have you here. Apologies for the occasional swearing. It still feels wrong swearing in front of my friends' mums. Bugger. Don't worry about Hazel's grammar though. Our English teacher drummed it in well enough and Hazel can even spell "onomatopoea". The Libran thing may be a factor in my indecisiveness.

Erica (?) I'm coming more round to your way of thinking on the homeless people front. I don't have a strong opinion though. Yet another example of my general ditheringness.

Z - once, twice, three times a food pervert.

Dad - did you really join in, just to say you weren't joining in?

L x

Anonymous said...

going back to the marmite/sex metaphor.....niether of them would be quite the same without yeast