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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Curry favour

"So, what are you going to give up for Lent?" my friend Sara asked me.

This is an important point... mostly because it reminded me that through the excitement of baby elephants and big tortoises, I'd missed Pancake Day, most holy of all religious festivals, where we celebrate the baby Jesus' fondness for lemon juice.

Last year I gave up not drinking for Lent... and I'd mooted the idea of giving up atheism for this Lent, choosing a different religion each week to be credulous about. I was a bit concerned though in case I got stoned to death on choosing to exit certain religions.

So... it's hard to decide what to give up. I don't really have any addictions or habits, other than Cadbury's Creme Eggs, and fuck me if I'm giving those up. I did like the idea of giving up not doing something again... like giving up not smoking or not pulling the wings off spiders. But I didn't really want to.

So I've decided to give up not eating curry. I don't like curry. I've tried lots of times. I don't like it. But for Lent, curry shall be my middle name. Laura Curry Nunn. Has a ring to it. Perhaps a sore ring by the end of Easter. I shall keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

How does that work? Do you put the wings on the spiders first?


Sara said...

Since lent is a religious thing, and my understanding is that you are not religious, then why would you offer to give up anything?

I love curry, so I don't think it's fair that you're going to eat it when you don't even like it! Especially since I ccan't find a good place to get it here in the U.S. :-/

Laura said...

Hbr - yes, I have to carefully sew wings onto spiders. No-one likes this much. I hate it, and I don't think the spiders are fans either. Still, keeps me out of trouble for a few evenings a week.

Sara - next time you're in London we'll go to Brick Lane near where I live and get you as much curry as you can eat. Sound fair?

L x

Sara said...

Sounds good... I'll be in the UK July 10-22 for Roseanna's wedding actually. Will be hanging out in London 19-22. We'll have to make plans :-)