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Friday, February 13, 2009


The Creme Eggs are back. TheBloke (TM) clearly knows what's good for him. Well, three are missing, but we shall have words about that later. What I'm most concerned about is that he successfully managed to find a hiding place in the one-bedroomed flat that I couldn't discover. He could have dead bodies there and everything. He probably does, for all I know. To be honest, I'm not that bothered. So long as I get my eggs.

Today was my last day in the office for just over two weeks... On Sunday we have a holi-holiday! (I keep saying it like that. I'm beginning to irritate myself.) We're off to South Africa to visit TheBloke's family and some elephants. We are leaving the cat (hence "va-cat-ion") and the flat in capable hands. I hope to come back with:

- Suntan but no sunburn
- A relaxed attitude... but not unconscious from malaria / spider bites
- A smattering of Afrikaans. Currently all I can say is "Jou ma se pous", which I've been advised isn't the best conversation opener.
- Some Oakley sunglasses. Because I'm worth it.
- Photographs of baby elephants
- And a baby elephant. If it'll fit in the case. If it doesn't, I'd be willing to sacrifice the sunglasses to make room.



Jenny Beattie said...

The only thing I can say in Afrikaans is 'go crap in the bushes'... hmmm, not so nice to delurk with that comment was it?

Hope you have a fab holiday.

Shiny said...

Being one of those souls who live in deepest, darkest Africa, I can attest to your choice Afrikaans sentence being probably not the best opener, especially not in Small Town South Africa! I hope you saw enough elephants and basked in our glorious sunshine and drank our delcious wines and ate our yummy food and played with our fabulous people (ok, I'll stop gushing there). It's so hot (third day of above 35 degrees celcius in a row) one's brain begins to melt. Just stumbled nto your blog and I like it. A lot. You're funny and that can only be a good thing.

Laura said...

Thanks guys - had a fab time, fab weather, fab baby elephants. And shocked TheBloke (TM)'s family with my mastery of Afrikaans.

L x