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Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Gassing away

Ding dong! The doorbell rang just a few minutes after I got home from work. I answered it. A bedraggled-looking Asian man stood on my doorstep, wielding ID.

"Scottish Power," he said, and looked at me expectantly as if I was supposed to know how the rest of the conversation went. We looked at each other blankly for a few seconds. Then I remembered I'd changed the energy suppliers to Scottish Power just a few weeks ago.

"Oh," said I, "have you come to read the meter?"

"No," asserted the man, in - let's be honest - not very good English. "Who you currently have power with?"

"Scottish Power," I replied.

"Yes, that is right," said the man. "Who is your current energy supplier?"

"Scottish Power," I repeated.

"Oh!" said the little man. "What tariff are you on?"

"I don't know," I said. "But look, handily, here is my latest bill."

"Can I come in?" asked the little man. I didn't really want him to but I felt I couldn't say no. He looked at my bill with the comprehension of someone not comprehending very much. A little bit how I look when I receive anything from the Inland Revenue. "How much is your monthly payment?" he asked.

I told him it was £46 and showed him the bill. I told him I thought this was quite expensive, particularly as this was only the standing charge and didn't include any electricity or gas actually used.

"No, is very cheap," he said. "Is definitely the best tariff."

We stood and looked at each other a bit more. He broke the awkwardness. "Can I have a glass of water?" I didn't want him to have a glass of water, but I got one for him anyway. He drank it. Whilst we looked at each other awkwardly. Monty cat ran past him and he tried to touch his tail.

"OK, I will go now," said the man. I think we were both a little bit relieved.

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