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Thursday, December 10, 2009

No energy

Ploggers, Ploggers, you thought my gas story ended there, didn't you? My naive little friends.

Two days later I was working from home. The doorbell rang. Ding dong! Actually, it doesn't go ding dong. It does a very naff impression of Big Ben, but we don't need to go into that now.

A man stood at the door with ID round his neck that a) didn't have a recognisable company name on and b) had no photographic ID. "I've come to read the meter," he said.

"Where are you from," I asked. He checked his PDA. This confused me. He didn't seem to know which company he worked for. "I am from Southern Electric," he decided. "Mrs Rogers?"

Mrs Rogers was the previous owner of our house. I said, "We don't have our power with Southern Electric, and I'm not Mrs Rogers."

He turned on his heel and stormed off. "Fine!" he said. "Fine! I'll just tell them you refused a meter reading and you'll get a letter!"

I am literally quaking in my boots.

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