Well, my lovely Ploggers, well, well, well.
What a very busy few days. In the last three days I have filled every unforgiving minute with at least sixty seconds' worth of distance run. In fact, some minutes I ran a good hour's worth of distance. That's how busy I've been.
I've had a few lovely days off work and I have achieved so far since Saturday:
- Dropped TheBloke (TM) off to play cricket
- Driven to the Midlands
- Had a hair cut
- Experimented with home hair dye
- Visited my friend Abi with a new baby (her own new baby, not one that she'd just happened to pick up)
- Went out for dinner with my parents
- Went on a horse-riding hack
- Had a primary school reunion
- Saw The Time Traveler's Wife
- Went to Chatsworth
- Did a pub quiz - and didn't get banned
- Saw my friend Elinor
- Drove back to London
Busy, busy, busy.
On the way home to London, as ever, I had Radio 2 on in the Mini. It was Jeremy Vine. I hate Jeremy Vine, but I couldn't be bothered to change channels.
Still, it was unbelievable. The "debate" show today featured members of the public getting genuinely furious about:
a) Roadworks in Manchester
b) Lightbulbs (I kid you not)
c) Whether or not British people behaved badly abroad.
Furious these people were. Angry, angry people. The lightbulbs were my favourite bit. The government is apparently banning 100 Watt lightbulbs in favour of energy efficient ones. Fine. A bit nannying perhaps, and personally I like bright lights, but if you get enough of those halogen ones, there's no real problem.
Or so I thought.
These people were - on more than one occasion - incandescent with rage. They made that joke (incandescent apparently being some sort of lightbulb) at least three times.
My favourite quotations:
"I'm bulk buying them. I bought twenty today." Since when is twenty bulk-buying?
"I'd like to bulk-buy them whilst they're still in stock, but I can't afford it." Christ, if you can't afford a few lightbulbs, I'd forget your rubbish lightbulb crusade and start lobbying the government for a better pension, or Mad Person Allowance or whatever it is you get.
"Will the government pay for a new light fitting for me?" No, Nigel. Now fuck off.
The last time I listened to Jeremy Vine it was about three years ago and an extremely lively (yet dull) debate was raging about wheely bins. I wonder if he goes home at night and cries himself to sleep about the futility of his existence.