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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Addictive personality

I am quite hopelessly addicted to Facebook. I have a problem. I admit it. Thankfully I can't get onto the site from work, or I would be in danger of losing my job within a week through sheer Facebookyness. Yes, that is a word.

Why? What is it about Facebook that's quite so addictive? Well, spying on people you've not seen for over 10 years always has its charms... with the added bonus of the fact that they never know you're interested in their lives.

I particularly enjoy reading the exploits of one girl from school - always an attention seeker - who even aged 27 manages to annoy me (in a gleeful way) through showing off in a really blatant way through her Facebook status. ("Annabelle is... tired after spending all night talking to Brad Pitt." "Annabelle is... worried about how she's going to spend her vast new salary." "Annabelle is... considerably happier and prettier than you.") For the record, I bet Annabelle has herpes. At least I hope so.

But it's more than that. I am addicted to Facebook Scrabble. I have completed Facebook IQ tests (the very fact I am taking one of these points to the fact that perhaps my IQ isn't all that great. Still, I scored higher than the - frankly disappointing - 97 I got a year or so ago). I have a Facebook pet rabbit. Which I neglect. I even have a Facebook Vibrating Hamster. Don't ask (but if you Facebook me, you can vibrate my hamster).

I get home from work, and even if I only have ten minutes before heading out again, I log on. It's like a drug. I update my little status box, just like Annabelle and toddle off to wherever I'm going. I come home and check my Facebook again. Has anyone poked me? Do I have a message? Has someone bought me a flower for my Facebook Fucking Garden for fuck's sake? (For info, it's not actually called a Facebook Fucking Garden. I think that might be a different sort of application.)

I have ranked and compared my friends. I have tagged photos from the sixth form. I have realised that it's literally been weeks since I've spoken to most of them in person.

I have 137 friends... and have spoken to four of them in the last fortnight. I think I have a problem. According to my Facebook Personality Disorder application (sadly this is a real application), I have obsessive compulsive disorder.

That might explain why I have to check Facebook 35 times a day or my pet Facebook rabbit will die.


Just a quick note too... for those of you who read my Plog regularly and giggle occasionally, would you please consider making a small donation through my site to CRY. Back in January my brother lost his girlfriend owing to an undiagnosed heart condition, and we're all trying to do our bit to raise awareness and funds.

Many, many thanks to all those of you who've donated - some anonymously so I can't thank you in person. But if you haven't yet made a donation, the page is only open for another few weeks. If you think it's worth the price of a cup of coffee or a magazine, would you make a small donation?

Thank you in advance: http://www.justgiving.com/laurasplogforhannah


Anonymous said...

Obviously after reading this post I had to go and look at who you're friends with from LHS to try and work out who "Annabella" is. Hmm, any one of 3 people I reckon. Long live the LHS cattiness!

Anonymous said...

All night TALKING to Brad Pitt..? ;o)

Anonymous said...

Annabella - it's Hazel isn't it? Little show off.

Jacqui said...

Hi Erica

You obviously do not know Hazel as well as I do. Never in a million years would this be a description of her. I can guess at a couple of the contenders though. I think 'no smoke without fire' is a clue.

Hazel's Mum

Laura said...

Hi Jacqui

I think Erica was probably joking about Hazel... the joke being that Hazel's the last person who'd show off!

Don't understand the "no smoke without fire" though... but I always have been rubbish at cryptic crosswords!


L x

Jacqui said...

Hi Laura

Email me so I can have your email address again, can't see it on the plog any more and I will enlighten you as to my theory.

I hope the man flu goes away soon - drink lots of orange juice.


Anonymous said...

Laura, I've said it before and I will again.

I warned you.

I have subscribed to the pumpkin method of facebooking.

That is, I'm only allowed on after midnight....
and first thing in the morning...and after lunch fora bit of poking,

then tea time just to beat you at scrabble,

then a bit more

THEN i'm properly allowed on come midnight, when i turn into a facebook pumpkin

Brother Jack