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Tuesday, August 07, 2007


So I had lunch with my friend dave with a little "d" yesterday. We chatted about things and stuff. Mostly things, but also some stuff.

I told him the sad tale of the kitchen fitting, the amusing story of the shower replacement, and the curious tale of my missing cleaner.

dave with a little "d" paused. Then said to me, "Laura, it's clear your fate is to get screwed over by service people."

Suddenly everything snapped into focus. I've really been wasting my time. Whilst I'd been aspiring to write a critically-acclaimed novel, wow the world with comedy writing, direct a fantastic play, start my own company and achieve my own personal moon landing, I had actually already achieved my life's purpose...

... to get screwed over by the staff. Great. Thanks dave.


Anonymous said...

I see why he has a little 'd' now :o)

I didn't know you wanted to land on the moon?!

Love H x

Anonymous said...

How's the novel going, by the way?

Anonymous said...

Hey, least you're posh enough to refer to them as "the staff".

Where I come from, service people are referred to as aspirational role models.

I have a poster of your plumber on my bedroom wall.

Laura said...

To answer the first two posts, the novel's coming on at about the same rate as the moon landing.

I also have a poster of my plumber on my bedroom wall. But he said it creeped him out, and could I please take it down?

Perhaps I shouldn't have taken him into the bedroom...

L x

Anonymous said...

Taking him into your bedroom to inspect your plumbing eh?

That was too easy, but still made me laugh. Much like yourself Laura, I've heard...