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Saturday, May 02, 2009

Perfect pitch

Attention please, new game afoot, Ploggers!

I wish I could claim credit for inventing it, but I didn't. So there. It seems to have been invented by a chap on Twitter who you can find at by searching PsiBennett, should you wish to.

The game goes like this. Think of a film. Change one letter (only one letter mind) in the film's title and repitch it. (And if you're playing this on Twitter, tag it with #renamerepitch. But we don't need to do that here.)

Clear? Good. Go.

Here are some of my favourites:

Schindler's Lost: Schindler wanders round a pre-sat nav Germany but refuses to stop and ask for directions

The Whining: Moany thriller in which Jack Nicholson goes on and on about how he didn't want to work in a hotel anyway.

Reservoir Jogs: Gentle-paced documentary detailing some of Britain's finest scenic exercise routes

Donnie Darky: Racist drama about a troubled teen and his fascist rabbit.

Jams: Left a generation of children scared of the marmalade ailse. Spielberg at his best.

Flight Club: Brad Pitt accrues loyalty airmiles (strictly speaking, adding rather than changing a letter, but who cares, really?

About a Buoy: Hugh Grant finds himself adrift in this sea-faring adventure (doesn't work with American pronounciation of bu-i. Plus breaks the rules. But I like Hugh Grant, so it's staying)

Also, totally flouting the rules:

Twelve things I hate about you: Julia Stiles remembers two further reasons her boyfriend is a prick.

I think it is your duty as a Plogger to play along. I haven't reposted silliness that isn't my own, so if you've already posted a renamed, repitched film on Twitter, please post again in the comments here if you'd like.

Come on, it's a Bank Holiday. You know you want to. I have more. Don't make me bring them out. We might even have a bit of a competition. Best one wins some chocolate rice crispie cake. Don't say that's not a prize worth trying for.

Happy repitching!


Anonymous said...

Mine are better. Generally I'm just better than you at everything. I have a husband. Do you have a husband, Laura? Do you?

John Carpenter's The Thong got the most attention but I'm proudest of Escape From New Look.

Laura said...

I don't have a husband. But I do have a cat. Do you have a cat?


Yours were great - do the full pitch though - makes it much funnier! I loved your "Slumdog Milliner: Feelgood film about a poor Bombay orphan who wins a hat making competition".

L x

Nice sounding chap called Paul said...

The Bench
Leonardo DiCaprio searches for a park seat and the hippies that live on it.

Anonymous said...

'For whom the Belles Toil' -
a re-working of the Hemingway classic that documents one day in the seedy life of a Parisian pimp. Much nudity.Some viewers may be upset by gratuitous close-ups of brioche.