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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hell is other people

I like the philosophy that suggests each of us has our own personal hell.  I found mine today.

At 3 p.m. this afternoon, having spent a full three hours basking in the sun (hot on the heels of spending eight hours yesterday basking in the sun), I decided I'd probably basked enough.  It was at this point - perhaps sunstroke induced - that I made one of the poorer decisions of my life thus far.  I decided to hop on the tube and go to Primark.

Yes, I'm not sure why either.  A little voice in the back of my head said, "I wonder if they sell those little floral culotte dresses."  Another little voice said, "Let's go see."  I hate those little voices.

The tube wasn't too unbearable, at a moderate 37 degrees centigrade - not bad at all, and I even got a seat.  Off I hopped at Marble Arch into the fiery pits of hell.

People were rude.  Beyond rude.  I got pushed around so much that I picked up an item I had no intention of buying, just so I could wield a coat-hanger for all the morons that were backing into me.

Amazingly, I found a couple of things that looked OK, so I thought I'd try them on.  No.  No, no, no.  What a stupid idea, Laura.  The changing room queue stretched most of the length of the store - at least a half-hour wait.  I thought I'd just buy the items (10 minutes or so wait) and return them if I didn't like them or they didn't fit.

I bought the items.  Then I had what - at the time - I termed my Genius Idea.  You see, there isn't a Primark near where I work, so I'd only be able to get to this one on weekends... and it's always going to be hell.  So, whilst I was in the area, it made sense to see if I wanted to keep the items... And Monsoon opposite had such nice spangly changing rooms.

I grabbed a sundress from Monsoon which I had absolutely no intention of trying on, went to the changing room and tried all my Primark goodies on.  One of them was missing a button.  And my tummy popped out.  This - fashionistas - is apparently "not a good look".  Back it had to go.

Back to Primark I trotted.  Trit trot, trit trot.

I joined the customer services queue.  This queue was actually longer than the changing room queue.  And appeared not to be moving.  I pondered whether or not it was worth it to get £4.84 back.  I decided it was, and opened my book and started to read.

A girl joined the queue behind me.  Right behind me.  Her swollen bag of Primark goodies smacked the back of my leg.  I moved to the side.  She swung it at me again.  It didn't hurt, it was just irritating.  I moved again.  She hit me again.  I gave her "the look".  She said, "Sorry, man."  I am a woman.  That was insulting.

I carried on reading.  She carried on hitting me.  Once or twice I tutted almost audibly.  Every ten minutes or so, after receiving a particularly good Paddington Bear Hard Stare she would apologise.

I queued 47 minutes and finally received my £4.84 refund.  

And, if I've been as bad as I think I probably have been, when Judgement Day is upon us, I shall be forced to queue in Marble Arch's Primark Customer Services queue for eternity.  With a stupid girl with too much make-up and a chav accent swinging her stupid fucking back against my legs for ever and ever and ever.

Prometheus had it easy.

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