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Saturday, March 06, 2010

Eggs-tremely egg-cellent

I have always maintained I have fantastic friends. If you're going to be jealous of me, my friends are definitely the thing you'll be wanting to envy me for. (Though some of you may covet my Tesco jumper, as per below, which perhaps says more about you than it does about me.)

Let's start the story at the beginning. I was leaving my last place of employment, and had about £10 left on my staff canteen card. I couldn't find a way of refunding this back into my bank account or exchanging it for cash, so the only thing to do was to spend it. Under normal circumstances I'd have treated the team to a round of coffees, but as per http://laurasplog.blogspot.com/2010/02/how-to-win-friends.html, I decided not to. I had a bacon sandwich and a coffee, but this still left about £7 on my card.

Luckily, the staff shop was doing three Cadbury's Creme Eggs for £1. You can't say fairer than that, nor find a better deal on the high street (believe me, I've tried). Those of you who've Plogged with me for a while will know I am a fan of Cadbury's Creme Eggs. Quite a big fan. I don't think we need to talk about it further (though rest assured, I have not joined any crappy Facebook groups proclaiming the fact)*. Reader, in short, I purchased 21 Cadbury's Creme Eggs.

"Never mind," I lied to myself, "they will see me through to the summer." I neglected to remind myself we already had a handful in the cupboard at home. "It's a bargain!" I told myself.

That evening, our lovely friend Brickwork came for dinner... bringing some Cadbury's Creme Egg Easter eggs. I was so excited, I did a little dance. Even more so when she told me they were both for me and TheBloke (TM) couldn't have any.

The next day, Erica and Dean came to stay for the weekend... bringing with them what is probably the best cake I have ever seen. Here it is!

This - for the uninitiated - is a chocolate orange cake decorated with Cadbury's Creme Eggs. You cannot have any. It is mine. Also, it is all gone now, as are all but three of its Creme Eggs. I don't want to talk about it. I've been in the house by myself a lot this week. Accidents happen.

So, last night, yet more friends came for dinner - cue Sarah and Martin, and another lovely box of Cadbury's Creme Eggs! I must be the luckiest Laura in the whole of Ilford (and possibly the whole of East London).

So anyway, TheBloke (TM) insisted I understood the magnitude of my greedy, greedy Creme Egg habit, and took photos of me with said eggs (please bear in mind I've eaten at least four this week...). Did it make me feel remorseful? Did it bollocks. My friends rock!

* Proving my point about my friends' loveliness - and sense of humour - my lovely friend Hazel has created the following group with a sense of irony and the requisite number of exclamation marks. Much like cultured guardsman Michael of Bethnal Green might say, "Go on, you know you want to!!": http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=402667614464&ref=ts


Anonymous said...

Oh my god. Choc orange cake PLUS Cadbury Creme Eggs?!?! I can't think of a cake more constructed of pure win. I am jealous.

Anonymous said...

Ooh - I like your fringe, seriously :o)

H x