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Monday, July 30, 2007

Spit and Polish

The votes have been cast. Despite the shower story being a lot more humorous (come on, do you know a story that isn't wildly funny that involves a mentally disabled child taking his trousers off? OK, well maybe you do.), you have voted for the rude Polish woman in the hotel.

So here goes.

A few weeks back TheBloke (TM) and I went for a drink near Aldgate on a Sunday. Aldgate is a slightly spooky place; despite being fairly bustling during the week, at the weekend it's like a deserted theme park - even branches of Subway and McDonalds are closed. So we struggled a bit to find somewhere open mid-afternoon for a beverage.

However, shortly, a hotel presented itself, and in we went.

The waitress, barmaid, whatever her job was, stood cutting lilies (florist, perhaps). We approached the bar. She looked at us but didn't actually speak.

"Are you serving?" TheBloke (TM) asked, politely.

She snorted her assent.

"Do you do Strongbow?" (or some other cider-based beverage), enquired TheBloke (TM).

She snorted again.

"OK. One Coke with no ice, and a pint of Strongbow, please."

"It's not pint. It's bottle Strongbow. Only bottle." She said this a bit aggressively.

"That's fine," said TheBloke (TM).

"You sit. I bring." She pointed at some seats.

Two minutes later, she slapped our drinks down in front of us. TheBloke (TM) stood to get his wallet out.

"You pay now," she said.

I shot an amused look at TheBloke (TM). He got his wallet out.

"No," said the Polish barmaid, sternly. "That was question. Do you want to pay now, yes or no?"

"Erm, yes," said TheBloke (TM).

She took the payment. He, unnecessarily, told her to keep the change.

Two minutes later, she slapped down a bowl of nuts. I didn't trust that she hadn't spat in them.

As we exited shortly after, we heard her say to a couple, "I hear what you say, but I'm not interested. You sit down." Or something similar.

It was brilliant. It makes me want to become a waitress.

And for those of you interested, The Simpsons Movie was actually pretty good. Go see.


Anonymous said...

So was she worse than our waiter in the airport when you were seeing me off back to NZ??
Hazel :o)

Laura said...

I'd forgotten all about him. What was it he did? I remember pushing our menu off the table repeatedly to annoy him, but what did he do to merit such horrid treatment?

L x