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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Washing up

I have just realised that it's totally my fault that the weather's so bad. Completely and utterly my fault, only I didn't expect it to take place all summer.

See a couple of months ago, I planned the Second Annual Barbeque Extravaganza (SABE). Invites were issued, invites were accepted. Once appraised of this fact (probably via Facebook, the treacherous bastards) the BBC launched its plot for this to be the wettest summer on record.

Oh yes, it's not enough that they're ripping stupid people off left, right and centre on telephone voting, but now they're deliberately plotting to ruin the one SABE I have each year. There will be repercussions. The next time they ask me to vote for a Joseph or Evita or some other such shit, I won't. Not that it'll make any difference because it's all fixed anyway.

In other news, I am very very tired and a little bit on the mardy side. Tonight's plans consist of a short trip to Sainsbury's and an early night.


Anonymous said...

Best story evurr...


Anonymous said...

"Second Annual Barbeque Extravaganza (SABE).
They're deliberately plotting to ruin the one SABE I have each year."

How can you have a SECOND ANNUAL barbeque EACH year?

Laura said...

You are forgetting that I am a Time Lord.


L x

Anonymous said...

I didn't get an invite :o(


Anonymous said...

I didn't either :o(

I think it would probably have been a bit of a rubbish SABE without me & Hazel there.

Nice Kate x