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Thursday, April 23, 2009

We all live in a Karma Tangerine

Ah, the Karma Police. You have to respect their work, and, in this case,their patience.
Almost a year ago, I attended a school reunion. I'd got back from a holiday in Canada literally that morning, and driven a couple of hundred miles up the M1 to be there, so was a bit discombobulated. And I then had a frankly hilarious experience with Belinda McOrange, which can be re-read here:


Now, Belinda McOrange has many, many amusing faults, most of which I cruelly (but I like to think amusingly) chronicled at the time. But perhaps I was a bit too harsh on the orange front. Oh, orange she was, orange indeed. She could have advertised a cell phone company... The future is bright, the future is Belinda McOrange. Except she would have blinded small children with her orangeness.

But this is besides the point. I was perhaps too harsh to pick on her orangeness. Not because she wasn't orange. (She was very orange. See above paragraph) but because - as I think I noted at the time - we've all had our bad experiences with fake tan, and really, there are worse things in the world to criticise. Like her behaviour, personality, devotion to the "Daily Mail" and membership to the Young Conservatives.

And the Karma Police have struck and they've struck hard. And they are -as ever - utterly correct in their judgement. As a desperate attempt to cure my rubbish new allergy to water, one of the treatments recommended over and over again is UVB light therapy. At the minute, my doctor still thinks I'm a) mad b) making it up for attention or c) both of the above, so I'm struggling to get beyond the "here's some antihistamines and why don't you have a blood test?" stage at the moment. Health insurance should cover the necessary light therapy as and when I convince my doctor that aquagenic pruritus is real and we ascertain UVB therapy is a suitable treatment. But in the meantime?

In the meantime, it's sunbeds.

So for the next few weeks, please excuse me whilst I look like a wannabee WAG who couldn't be bothered to put her makeup on. Well, the second part of that is true at least.

And as I turn a delicious shade of tangerine, I will hear the irritating voice of Belinda McOrange cackling, "You are one of us now! The future is bright!"


Erica said...

I just looked up your so-called disease and it appears the treatments include chillis and sunbathing.

Are you sure this is a real disease?

Does eating chocolate and watching ER also ease symptoms?


Laura said...

It's not a disease! It's a skin condition. (Aren't diseases infectious?)

I like your chocolate and ER cure. I will try it immediately.

L x