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Thursday, April 30, 2009

A rose by any other name...

Ladies and gentlemen...

I have a question to ask you. I am thinking of going incognito. I am thinking of becoming anonymous. I know it's pretty hard from being nonymous to anonymous. (I am assuming that 'nonymous' must be the opposite of 'anonymous'.) However, I am wondering if it's time to lurk a little deeper on t'interweb.

Practically, this would involve removing my full name from the main page, plus changing the contact email address to something a bit more generic. It would mean going through old entries and amending anything that points specifically to my or my family's identity. It would mean no longer importing Plogs into my Facebook page.

Benefits of anonymity:

- I can talk more specifically about work/people/ real life situations without fear of reprisal. This should allow me more freedom in the topics I choose to discuss, and might give you guys a better quality Plog.
- Those of you who really know who I am can always sell your story to a top tabloid, thus making yourself millions of pounds. After all, up to one hundred people read this Plog every day. One hundred! That's almost the whole of the UK*.

Drawbacks of anonymity:

- Sheer hassle of going through old entries, relabelling Mrs Nunn and so on.
- No longer being able to link through to my Facebook / Twitter page
- About 30% of people finding this site find it through searching my full name.

So, I would appreciate your thoughts. Would you stop reading if I merely became Laurasplog? Do you only read these notes in Facebook? If so, do you think you'd be able to redirect yourself to www.laurasplog.blogspot.com, or is that all too much effort? Do you care at all?

Let me have your thoughts Ploggers.

* Post-swine flu.


Sara said...

As long as I can still read your plog, I have no problem with you going anonymous. I enjoy reading it, even if I have no idea who you're talking about :)
I wonder if there's a 'replace all' option on blogspot to make your updates... I'm guessing not, so good luck with that!

MJenks said...

No, I'd keep reading.

Nice* Kate said...

I'll read it still. Will you be making it a bit better than it is at the moment though?

* Sorry, feeling a bit pre-menstrual.

Anonymous said...

NO, don't do it - half the fun is the reprisals you get about your plog. Stay nonymous :o)

Hazel x

Anonymous said...

Dont bother the cat is already out of the bag as google and the way back machine will have cached your site so your identity will still be associated. Best bet is to start from scratch using a proxy like tor to set up a new gmail and blogger account. Remember to clear your cookies and use tor each time you post. Oh and dont mention the new blog on this one.

Anonymous said...

Wow such a massive decision in your life Laura

The thing that sticks out about your arguements the most for me is the 'safety' issue (for both yourself and your family)

That would definitely worry me

Who knows who you have unwittingly irritated