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Friday, September 14, 2007

Can't stress enough

I will be honest with you. At the moment this is how my life goes:

Wake up with a migraine, conscious I've been having stress dreams all night.

Go to work. Stress about things.

Go to a play rehearsal. Try to make it fun, but ultimately end up stressing at the cast because they still don't know their lines and we're opening on Thursday.

Come home. Be stressed.

Go to sleep. Have dreams about turning up to a full theatre with no cast, a piano and Judy Dench sitting in the middle of the stage wearing a turban and flip flops. She doesn't know her lines either. I have to step in. Not only do I not know the lines, I am inexplicably unable to speak in any language other than ancient Greek.

Wake up with a migraine, conscious I've been having stress dreams all night.

Apologies for below-par Plogging.

As a side note, massive thanks to all those of you who have donated to www.justgiving.com/laurasplogforhannah. Where you've left me your name / email, I've tried to drop everyone a quick personal note to say thank you very much. And for those of you who've chosen to remain anonymous, please see this as a big public thank you. The site is still open for about another 24 hours, so if you'd like to make a last-minute donation, I will wish you happy thoughts between the stress, migraines and homicidal / suicidal tendencies.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks Laura.