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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Driving Miss Nunn

Oh the tube strike. The tube strike. Oh.

Two and a half hours it took me to get to work today. I could have walked it much quicker, though admittedly not in the shoes I was wearing. Two and a half hours!

The tubes aren't running. My cab never showed up. The buses went past full, not stopping to let people on. Eventually, a maverick bus driver turned up. You've got to love maverick bus drivers. He didn't care how many people he had on his bus. He thought it was all a bit of a laugh.

"Look," he said to me, pointing at his CCTV screen. "Those blokes at the back are having a fight." He laughed.

In we crammed. There were probably about fifty of us standing on the lower deck, as the bus slowly edged towards the city. We were as squished as it was possible for human beings to be. I may have had a lesbian experience. I'm not sure.

At one point the maverick bus driver caught my eye. I half-smiled, as if to say, "Dear bus driver, isn't this ridiculous?"

He raised one eyebrow and actually said to me, "I think it's funny. I've got a seat."


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