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Monday, September 24, 2007

Play on words

Apologies for my absence. The last few days have been somewhat hectic with a performance every night, and (during the week) in the office during the day too.

So the play... I like the image of it being similar to giving birth. Beforehand, you think it's a great idea, then it's insufferable agony, and finally at the last curtain call, your brain tricks you into forgetting the pain - you decide it's all worth it and you'd go through it again.

At the moment I'm at the "it's all worth it" stage. The cast were lovely and committed (as in worked hard, not as in mentally unstable and signed into an institution by a medical professional).

Anyway, the performances were a lot of fun, and, as I'm sure is tradition, the cast and crew were taking the piss a bit at last night's performance. There was supposed to be a note reading, "Thank you for the gorgeous, gorgeous coat, you gorgeous, gorgeous man," and instead on the final night the note just read, "COCK". Because we were nothing if not grown up.

Also, the "rotten pair of gloves" one character was bought for Christmas became, "a revolting pearl necklace". You see where they were going with that.

The cast party was a fairly civilised affair, except from at 11 p.m. when the landlord had obviously decided he hated us (despite having been promised we could stay in the room as long as we wanted to), and he asked us to leave. He had been rude to us all week, but in addition to literally saying, "You all have to go now," he then went round to the back of the bar and turned the lights out. No, "Would you mind going in about ten minutes?" or anything. Just "Get out," and off went the lights. It was very, very funny. I wonder if he might have heard us calling him "Basil" all week.

I do wonder what I'm going to do with all my time now that I've got Tuesday and Thursday evenings back. Knowing me, I'll probably volunteer for something else stupid.


Anonymous said...

So glad it was a success mate - so sorry I couldn't see it. Is it on YouTube yet? :o)

When I worked in a pub in Loughborough, we were trying to get a group of theatrical people out at the end of a night. We pulled the tried and tested method of turning 'Jerusalem' on at top volume, which usually saw off the few hangers on. But NO, the theatrical people stood on the tables and chairs and sang along and LOVED it! You guys are hard to get rid of.

Is that your first time being thrown out of a pub?

H xx

Laura said...

I believe there may have been a video camera in attendance on the final night, so I may yet force you through a video performance!

"Jerusalem" was TOTALLY the wrong choice (come on, Blake lyrics, Parry score? Us thesps love that shit). Next time try something on the hit parade, or "charts" as I believe it's commonly known. We will stuff our little thespian ears with cotton wool and march out of your pub in disgust.


L x

PS Yes - never been thrown out of a pub before. Got thrown out of McDonalds once when I was fourteen for nursing a cup of tap water for twenty minutes during the town fair. You were probably there.