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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Clowning around

I write to you today as an accomplished trapeze artist. Indeed. I, Laura Nunn of Tower Hamlets today mastered the trapeze.

I hate team bonding sessions. I told TheBloke (TM) about it this morning in the sulky voice I save especially for team bonding sessions. "I'll have to do trapeze," I said. "And juggling. And a human pyramid. And I'll have to go on stilts."

"Your job is brilliant," said TheBloke (TM). "I wish I could piss around in a circus all day."

I hate team bonding. A lot. Like the time we went laser clay pigeon shooting and even though the pigeons weren't real and the guns didn't shoot anything, I still hit absolutely nothing. At all. In fact, twice I forgot to take the safety off. Why the buggery bollocks would a laser gun need a safety catch? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Still, today I climbed a big scary ladder, jumped off a platform about 25 feet high (OK, it was probably nearer 15, but let me have my boasty moment) and didn't plunge to my untimely death.

And with a bit of luck, I won't have to do it again for another year.

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