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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bloody mess

Today I went to see My Bloody Valentine in 3D. It's shit. I should have guessed it would be shit. I kind of did guess, but went to see it anyway. More fool me.

Laura's Big List of Things to Remember When She is a Baddie in a Bad Teenage Horror:

- Think about your killing costume carefully; a ski mask is fairly easy to take on and off to disguise your murderous pastime and pretend you're one of the gang. A full miner's outfit, or a white mask with a cape that restricts movement is going to seriously interfere with your evil plans.

- Consider your killing implement carefully: a gun will do the job quite quickly and efficiently. A fish hook or a pick axe might get stuck in stuff and again impede your killing progress.

- Don't worry about trying to run away. Regardless of whether or not you are in the worst film ever made, you will be kept alive in case there is a chance of a sequel. You are immortal. Enjoy it.

Right, off slashing. See you later.

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