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Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm well fit

Things I have learned from the Wii Fit:

- I apparently need to put on two stones to reach my target weight*. Two stones! 12.7 kilograms! That's just silly. Yes, I'm a bit underweight, but I'm also quite slightly built.

- I can only hula hoop in one direction (clockwise). This is weird and a bit disconcerting.

- TheBloke (TM) should not be allowed to be better at me at every single fucking exercise. I think I might be better at yoga, but whenever I have a go (mostly it involves measuring how still you stand), he makes me laugh or pushes me over so that I can't reach his top score.

Taking point number one, the Wii has decided I need to put on three pounds by the end of this month. The programme has a really good exercise plan for anyone wanting to lose weight - and suggests a range of appropriate exercises and diet tips. However, it's strangely silent on the topic of how to gain weight. I suppose there's not much of a market for a computer program that once you step on the balance board, says in its cutesy voice, "Don't do exercise! Sit on the sofa and eat a KitKat Chunky". Which, actually, is exactly what I'm doing at the moment.

Having said that, I've reconsidered and think there might be quite a big market for such a thing. Hmm.

* I do realise that this will mean that most of my female readers will hate me. I'm OK with that because I still sometimes fit into clothes from Gap Kids and I don't have to pay tax.

Also, welcome to my first official Plog Follower. I would make you a badge but I can't be bothered. Sorry. More followers obviously welcome.


Anonymous said...

Laura you seem to like using the word 'schadenfreude' and it seems to have happened since Friday when this was used in 'The News Quiz' on RADIO FOUR!! Have I exposed another programme you 'do not listen to?'. Happy New Year!

Hazel's Mum

Laura said...

Happy New Year! I would love to claim I listened to Radio 4, but actually I don't own a radio other than in the car... and they tend to make me go to work on a Friday, where they pipe Bank Radio at me all day. Deep, deep joy.

My dad taught me schadenfreude at a young age. The word, that is, not the enjoyment of others' suffering...

Anonymous said...

Would have thought both your TV and Sky+ does radio.

Muscle bulk will add weight. Power lifting Laura?

Now you just need Big Brain Academy and Wii Music to round off your training. Balance board is drum kit in music.

MJenks said...

Hey, wait, that's me!

also, i think you can only hula hoop like that because of the Coriolis affect. Scientifically, you can't go counter-clockwise (or is it anti-clockwise?).