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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Broken ice

I learned a new icebreaker at work. We use icebreakers on training courses or meetings to get people chatting to each other, to help them feel less nervous and to encourage some energy in the room.

Today we had to write down three words to describe our favourite colour. I decided to go for yellow, and wrote down "sunny, bright, cheerful". Then we had to use three words to describe our favourite animal. Taking a horse, I wrote "clever, strong, big". Finally, we had to think of our favourite sort of water (i.e. swimming pool, cold drink, ocean) and say why in three words. Going for tropical oceans, I wrote "snorkelling, hot, exotic".

Why not try this yourself, before reading the next paragraph?

*Spoiler space*

Apparently the colour relates to how we see ourselves (hmm, OK), the animal relates to how other people see us (big? Big? I'll have you know I'm a size 8!) and the water relates to how we like it in the bedroom.

Snorkelling. Enough said.

Still, a colleague described her favourite animal (a dog) as "bouncy, loyal and stupid" and her water was "puddle, drip and slurp", so I guess it could have been worse.


AH NZ Adventure said...

I thought the purpose of ice-breakers was to make you so uncomfortable doing them that the purpose you were actually there for wasn't so painful....
I'll email you "how I like it in the bedroom" :o)

Anonymous said...

Colour - I like all the colours. No I won't choose.

Animal - Elephant - gentle, intelligent, covered in mud.

Water - Bath water - Scalding, with bubbles, not-moving.

Nobody has ever asked me my favourite type of water before. I'll add that to my small talk repetoire.

Anonymous said...

Hee hee

I tried this on my other half last night... he sees himself as blakcurrent, other people see him as "sleek, stripey and cunning" and, for water, "still, calm, and expansive"

I laughed, he didn't :)