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Monday, May 22, 2006

Let the stalking commence...

I think I'm in love with the dark, curly one from Green Wing. I know, I know, I'm supposed to be in love with the ginger one, and I'll admit he's not without his charms.

But it is the posh, donkey-faced one who really does it for me. I was telling Erica that he makes my insides melt. And therefore it is probably a good job he is a doctor.

Then I remembered he's actually an anesthesiologist, and so possibly might not be able to help with any melty-inside issues. Still, he could give me drugs so that I didn't feel the worst of it, and then get his ginger mate to finish me off. Come on, we've all had a night like that.

I am utterly, completely and totally infatuated with this lovely curly guy*. If I get any more in love, I might have to find out where he lives and camp on his lawn (if it stops raining). And when I say "camp", obviously I mean "check into a local hotel with at least a 3-star rating.

If this love gets any deeper I might even take the most drastic step of all... Finding out the actor's name and putting it through Google. Yes, I am that much in love.

* This is not an excuse for anyone to comment on my predilection or otherwise for dark, curly guys. Shut up.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure one of the weird ones looks like one of your exes...

AH NZ Adventure said...

hee hee hee
If only they all knew...
Good times :o)

Laura said...

Hmm - which weird one, and which ex? (Or, which weird ex?)

And Hazel - shut up.


L x

Anonymous said...

You have a shower. Try it on cold.
Mum x