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Friday, May 26, 2006

Willy or Won't He?

The following entry contains adult material. Proceed with caution.

So, I was out with an unidentified friend, an unspecified number of nights ago. Obviously, I know who the friend was, and when I went out with her. I'm not quite so desperate for friends that I go on blind friendship dates. Yet.

Unidentified friend (let's call her Louise, because I don't have any friends called Louise) was telling me about a new guy she'd started seeing. This guy sounds perfect for her - shares lots of her interests, is really tall (this is important for her, as she's pretty tall herself) and is a genuinely nice guy - he definitely had potential. She'd been seeing him for a little while, and things had... progressed. This was the conversation we had in the coffee shop:

Louise: The thing is, he's a really nice guy.

Me: I know. You said.

Louise: But... he's got a really, really small willy.

Me: Oh. How small?

Louise illustrates with a coffee-shop sized packet of sugar. This is not a good sign.

Louise: I was scared to put it in my mouth in case I swallowed it.

Me: Ah.

Louise: I'm on such a downward spiral you know. Every guy I've slept with has had a smaller one than the guy before. The way this is going, the next guy I shag will have a clitoris.

Me: Oh dear. But he's a nice guy though.

Louise: I know, and it shouldn't matter. But it really, really does. You know what the worst thing was?

Me: Go on.

Louise: He didn't even apologise.

That is bad. The bad grace of having a disappointingly-proportioned appendage and not even having the decency to apologise. And I know this is the noughties, and we should all be caring about personality and all that rubbish, but I did feel sorry for Louise and her little packet of sugar. At least blokes have a rough idea of what they're getting before the clothes are removed.

Any comments speculating on the real life identity of Louise will be removed... Let's not be mean!


Anonymous said...

Does this mean you're what gay men call a "size queen"? ;o)

Laura said...

I have no idea what that means, or who you are or why you're so up on gay lingo...

Louise would seem to fit that description though.

Anonymous said...

is louise you?

oooo i know what a size queen is....im sure it was on sex and the city.....basically someone only intereseted in size...the female equivalent of a builder shouting at someones tits from a medium sized crane

Laura said...

I very nearly deleted the last comment, as it was speculating on Louise's identity. But the medium-sized crane thing made me chuckle, so I left it in.

I've never seen one quite as small as a sugar packet...