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Friday, February 23, 2007

Something wicked this way comes

Well, all is good here, thanks for asking. It has been a busy and productive few days at work, and - excitingly - today is a much-coveted day of annual leave. To non-work people, that is holiday. To Americans, that is vacation. To French people, it's a strike. Sorry, that was inappropriate.

So today, instead of pushing old ladies out of the way so I can get onto the number 8, forcing down capuccinos to stay awake, and ploughing through emails, I got up at about 9.30, spent the morning in the park with a friend and his dog, forced down a few cappucinios (some things never change) and now I have the whole afternoon to myself. Bliss.

I do have to say that the last few days have been Very Good Indeed. This usually happens just before some sort of nuclear attack / terrorist strike / outbreak of chicken flu. Don't say I didn't warn you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As far as I am aware, there have only ever been 2 nuclear attacks, both on Japan in WW2.

I don't think you were to blame for those. If you were, I think you owe Japan a huge apology, and maybe even flowers.