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Thursday, February 01, 2007


I drove back up to Loughborough this evening. It's a route I'm pretty familiar with as I drive up to see my parents every month or so. Still, it requires a fair amount of concentration - nine times out of ten I leave London during rush hour, and it's no myth that London drivers can be aggressive and inconsiderate.

Still, there's one weird thing that almost always happens on the journey. On the way out to the M1, somewhere between Holloway and Archway, I always seem to stop at traffic lights by exactly the same shop. "No biggie," you might think. The thing that amuses me is a) that I always seem to look at the shops at this point (instead of looking at, oh, I don't know - the traffic), but more interestingly b) the name of this shop. The shop front, in huge letters simply says, "NEUTERING STOPS AIDS IN CATS".

There is absolutely no clue what this shop sells. Its name appears to be just a bit of information. I imagine it might be like having a greengrocers called "ISN'T IT FUNNY HOW BUSES ALWAYS TURN UP IN THREES?" or a bookshop called "SOFIA IS THE CAPITAL OF BULGARIA".

One day, perhaps I'll stop, and have a look round the shop that may or may not sell products associated with AIDS prevention in the feline world. Probably I won't though. I don't want want to raise your hopes too high or make promises I can't deliver.

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