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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Only joking

Is there anything quite so sweet as remember a long-forgotten joke, and laughing at it anew? I have two absolute favourite jokes. The biscuit joke, and the orange-head joke. The biscuit joke I can't tell to anyone a) because I can't get to the end of it without laughing and b) because the joke recipient rarely (if ever) laughs, and then I find that I judge them for not finding one of my favourite jokes funny.

All I have to do to make Erica laugh is say, "the biscuit joke". I don't even have to tell the biscuit joke. I just have to say "the biscuit joke". It is very funny. But you probably wouldn't like it.

The orange-head joke ... again, hardly anyone finds it as funny as I do. I think I like it because it plays on the genre and because it's ultimately very, very silly. Tellingly, neither of my favourite jokes is rude... Which is odd for me!

But today I was reminded of a very short, but nonetheless hilarious joke about Noddy. And I thought I would share it with you, in the hope of brightening your last few hours of Sunday.

Q: Why does Noddy wear a little blue hat with a little yellow bell on the end of it?

A: Because he's a cunt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to hear the orange head and the biscuit joke!!!!!!!!!!!!
H !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!