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Monday, October 01, 2007

Dental Plog

Don't worry - I haven't forgotten about the Choose Your Own Plog. I'm giving you until Saturday to vote. Votes only count if received on the Plog - Facebook votes are null and void. My life is so empty.

So what's new? Not a lot. Hard to write a Plog today. I did have a dentist appointment, which as regular Ploggers will know, usually provides excellent comedy fodder because my dentist surgery is quite, quite mad. However, today's appointment was relatively uneventful. My hygienist doesn't like New York, and thinks that men are vainer than women. She can't envisage spending £100 on a pair of jeans and her younger son spends ages in the bathroom. But it's hard to squeeze a Plog out of that. (That sounds a bit rude, sorry.) It's also hard to get a word in edgeways when your mouth is crammed with bits of metal. So essentially, she gets to talk about herself all day. It would be the perfect job for an egotist. Or a man*.

Here are some other potential Plog-starters for you:

- There was a fire engine outside my flat earlier, although (for once) it wasn't me who called them.

- I had Hula Hoops for dinner. Gillian McKeith would be proud.

- Both work and my social life are getting busy again.

Please rearrange the above three facts to make a witty and engaging Plog. Thank you.

* Blatant sexism. Please disregard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss Hula hoops...send me some please?! Quavers and skips while you're at it :o)
H x