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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Don't panic but...

I had a very nice birthday, thank you for asking. And thank you to all friends for cards, texts, emails and smoke signals.

In the evening I went out with Kath, Sarah and Katy for a nice dinner at Patterson's restaurant. Unfortunately Katy spoiled the evening both for us, and for the fellow patrons, by bringing in her peculiar smell of putrid ammonia. Other than that, it was nice to see everyone.

Today, the squirrels are gathering. I fear they might be in league with the pigeons, and possibly the foxes, who are becoming less and less bothered by my presence. Dean's theory is that the squirrels and the foxes are having a turf war. I think it's more sinister than that. Yesterday a bus was burned out on the Roman Road - looked like terrorist work to me (though was apparently just a fire). Who's to blame? Definitely the squirrels. Do not bow to their regime. Continue about your everyday life. But might be worth stocking up some bottled water and toilet paper just in case.

I have a feeling Squirrelgeddon is mere days away. Look at the evidence. What words spring to mind when thinking about squirrels? Furry? Maybe. Cute? If you're deluded. Bushy? Yes. Bush. And what's the name of the US president? Anyone else seeing the link here?

No. Thought not.


Anonymous said...

When did KT start smelling of wee? She didn't when I left. what happened to her?
There are no squirrels in NZ - come here and you'll be safe!
H xx

Anonymous said...

Katy turned 27. Incontinence is a sad part of growing that old, I hear....