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Friday, November 10, 2006


Apologies, Plog readers. I have been a tardy Plogger, and for this I must suffer.

I started my new job this week; whilst so far I've not been asked to deliver anything unduly difficult, it's always really tiring starting a new job - getting to know people, getting a feel for how people work.

Highlights you've missed this week:

  • Avenue Q is twenty-two types of brilliant. I was humming "It sucks to be me" and "Everyone's a little bit racist" for two days afterwards. Best new musical since Jerry Springer the Opera - and that's official.
  • Dinner with Mel, Rick, Ted and Fran - friends for whom the children's action song "One Finger One Thumb Keep Moving" took on a meaning which I'm sure was never intended by its composer. There was much food. There was much drink. There was more innuendo than you could throw a squirrel at.
  • Sorry for ending that last sentence with a preposition. I know you were all thinking, "How clumsy. She should really have phrased that, 'There was more innuendo than at which you could throw a squirrel.' I shan't read her Plog again." And you'd be right.

And - super, super, super news - shiny laptop is now all broadbanded up. WHOOSH. That's the sound of my super-fast broadband whizzing past your rubbish 20th century ears. WHOOSH.

And it's Friday. What more could you want from life? WHOOSH.

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