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Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I'm sorry. I broke the weather. Sorry.

It was really, really hot yesterday. I got back from my gig last night just after 11, and went straight to bed, tired because I'd had a late night the previous night too.

But I couldn't sleep. Even with the windows open, it was far, far too hot. I tried all the usual strategies - tutting, looking at the clock, throwing the duvet off, pulling it back on again, changing position approximately every 2.6 minutes and looking at the clock again but none of it worked. I kind of drifted off to sleep at one point, but dreamed I was doing the ironing and dropped the iron on my foot. This made me jump and I woke up again.

I committed a terrible sin. I thought, "This is too hot." The weather gods listened to me, and at about 3 a.m., allowed me to drift off to sleep. But not without a terrible sacrifice.

When my alarm went off at 7.30 the weather was broken and it was raining. That was summer, and I broke it. Sorry.

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