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Monday, June 12, 2006

Summery Summary

Firstly, apologies for yesterday's multiple postings. I think the laptop got a bit carried away with the sunshine.

Wasn't it a lovely weekend? OK, conceivably some of you reading this might have had a rubbish weekend. Perhaps you had an argument with your girfriend or boyfriend. Perhaps your goldfish died. But none of those things happened to me. It was lovely. I caught up with some old friends, some new friends and some who have been friends for an average length of time.

I sat in the sun and got strap marks (NOT sunburned, Dad).

I had a barbecue.

I did a gig.

All is well with the world. Don't spoil it by adding comments saying that you broke a nail, or something equally tragic.


Anonymous said...

Did you watch 'The Play's The Thing' on C4 just now? You'll want to watch the rest of it, it's right up your alley.

AH NZ Adventure said...

Hey Laura
I had a lovely weekend too - it had nothing to do with sun though. In fact it snowed here yesterday. So much so that they called me and said I didn't have to come to work...how good's that?! I then had to go to other work (which I live next door to)as 3 people had called up "snowed in". This was not before I'd gone back to bed for a few hours, then watched two films on sky tv in front of an open fire though...
It is sunny today though strangely enough, with snow still on the ground, lovely, lovely...

Laura said...

No - I was really annoyed to miss "The Play's The Thing". I was out at a gig and forgot to Sky+ it. Will definitely be looking out for a repeat and will record it next week. Was it good?

Laura said...

Hazel... Whilst part of me is very glad you had a lovely weekend, I think it would be much better if it was all horrid, horrid, horrid, then you might come back to England and live in a little flat round the corner from me.

Stop being so selfish, and do what I want you to do for a change.
