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Thursday, June 01, 2006

Everybody needs good neighbours

Oh, life likes its ironies, doesn't it? I was staying in a hotel in Southend a couple of nights ago, watching the massively underrated Ghostbusters II. When I say "massively underrated", obviously what I actually mean is "big pile of poo".

Anyway, I'd stuck with it until the end, and I suppose the volume on the TV was up fairly high. Just at the last fifteen minutes of the film, my hotel next-door neighbours started playing me at my own game (please see previous Plog entry). At first I thought, "Surely that can't be..." and turned the sound off on my TV. It quite clearly was. But, not being a middle-aged man, I just put the sound on my TV back on and finished watching the film. (The Ghostbusters saved the day and Bill Murray copped off with Sigourney Weaver.)

The next day - perhaps predictably - my next-door neighbours had one of those "Do not disturb" signs on their door. Except this was one of those twee ones that says something like, "Shh! Sound asleep!". Anyone else see that as a challenge? I set to test the hypothesis. Indeed, after only 17 minutes of hammering on their door and shouting in my best outdoor voice, I managed to prove quite successfully that they weren't "sound asleep" at all. Indeed rather wide awake and pretty angry.

Laura: 1 - Shagging Neighbours: 0


Anonymous said...

Wait wait wait....Ghostbusters 2 being rubbish? May I refer you back to one of the greatest speeches in cinematic history:

"Your Honor, ladies and gentleman of the audience, I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds. Sure, the blackout was a big problem for everybody. I was trapped in an elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time. But I don't blame them. Because one time, I turned into a dog and they helped me. Thank you."

Still makes me shed a tear, powerful stuff.

Laura said...

I will admit that speech did make me chuckle. But only briefly. And a brief chuckle does not a good film make.

And what was the deal with Slimer? One minute he was driving a bus, and then we never saw him again. And wasn't he zapped at the end of the first "Ghostbusters" film?

Anonymous said...

No no, he survived didn't he. He was all zapped up in the hotel but then the bearded bloke who everyone thinks is Kenneth Branagh opened up the red ghost box thing, thus releasing them all to perform their various mischievous acts.

Keep up! Or you'll be left behind. Now, I demand you brush up on your knowledge of:
*Mad Max
*Diagnosis Murder
*the history of Casio calculators

If you end up embarrassing yourself like this again then...then...er...you might get taxed. Slimer Ignorance Tax. It is, however, too early to speculate. It's under review.

PS Ghostbusters 2 is super good. Don't make me give a point to your noisy shagging neighbours.

Laura said...

So if the ghosts had already been released by the end of the first Ghostbusters film, how come the Ghostbusters were out of work at the start of "Ghostbusters 2"?

I think I'm spotting a narrative inconsistency.

Anonymous said...

Laura, Laura, Laura...you're starting to lose respect from me at an astonishing rate. Especially considering that you only watched the movie like 2 days ago.

Now, the reason that they were out of work is because they were banned from doing paranormal ghost stuff. Thus the reason that you see Ray and Winston doing that kids party towards the start. Well, that could be because they were the shit members of the team. Let's be honest, if I were associated with Dan Akroyd in an action capacity I too would, well, disassociate myself with him. It, obviously, being Peter Venkman's decision because he just totally rules.

Do you see now? Can you admit, purely to shut me up, that Ghostbusters 2 is good? Or do I have to come to one of your gigs and sing the Bobby Brown rap theme song?

Laura said...

I may have missed some important plot points. I was contesting with shagging neighbours.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...after posting that last message, I realised that. I fear that I have embarrassed everyone involved.