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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Falling Down

This morning the bus braked sharply and I fell right on my face. Right. On. My. Face.

This is not something a dignified 27 year-old, working for a respectable blue-chip company should do.


It was a proper prat fall. I was a prat, and over I fell. You know what the most upsetting thing was? Was it that no-one expressed concern or asked me if I was OK? Nope. That is London, and that is what I expect. Was it that the bus driver was probably playing a game with himself to see how many people he could topple? Nope. It was that not a single person laughed at my - let's face it - brilliant clowning.

Grumpy bastards.


Sara said...

If it makes you feel any better, I had to bite my lip so that I didn't giggle a little bit when first I read that you fell.

I hope you didn't injure yourself!

Anonymous said...

RBS isn't technically 'blue-chip' and you have NEVER been dignified. you didn't tell me fell on your face. that's what the handles are for.stupid.