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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Garage music

"I'm sorry," said the nice-but-not-bright woman responsible for Tower Hamlets parking. "It's been a mistake." I was losing my new parking place. Worry not, I got different one.

"The thing is," she continued, "I don't usually do parking bays. I'm normally garages and sheds."

One wonders exactly how much admin a shed causes.

A separate note: Joni Mitchell. Now, I've always resisted Joni's charms, despite many people's recommendations. I think Both Sides Now is a really great song, and I'm partial to a bit of Big Yellow Taxi too. On the strength of this, I bought an album of hers. It was only a fiver.

For God's sake, woman, what's wrong with staying in the same octave for let's say a bar maybe? We all know you can do special up-and-downy voice thingies, and ooh, aren't you clever? But it's a bit fucking annoying after a while. And that song Circle Game (it goes round and round) is basically ripping off The Wheels on the Bus.

And whilst we're on the topic, why has no-one else noticed that Bob Dylan sounds like Roland Rat? "Eeeh, Rat Fans..."

It's all a big con. The Carpenters, on the other hand, now that's class. Apart from that whole incest-plus-anorexia-and-untimely-death thing. Don't be so picky.

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