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Sunday, December 17, 2006

The family that plays together...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I knew it! This will really make you chuckle.

A week or so ago, I decided to do some fancy tracking stuff on this blog, so I could get a rough idea of how many people were reading it each day, how long they were staying for, and how they'd stumbled across it. It's useful to see how many of you are returning visitors, and how many of you run away screaming after just one visit. (And why so many of you are based in Oxford, when I don't know anyone who lives in Oxford, and don't even like the place, I'm not quite sure.)

Tee hee, here comes the funny bit. I know now that three people have found the site after Googling (and I swear this is true): "Coalville family incest". Do you think they were looking for hints and tips? Or perhaps a support group?

Was this you? If so, do get in touch and let me know. Or maybe a family member / sexual partner would like to drop me a line.

Unsurprisingly, no-one has found the site by Googling "glass orb scruffy twat". Yet.

It's been a good weekend. I'm getting a cold, so yesterday I just hibernated with some chocolate and Love Actually on DVD. Today I caught up with a friend and went for a walk. Proper weekendy stuff. But not the stuff great blogs are made of.


Anonymous said...

Blimey! Do you know what we all had for breakfast, as well?

Laura said...

Yes. And frankly, your breakfast wasn't exactly healthy, was it?


L x