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Friday, December 22, 2006

The geese are getting fat...

I woke up this morning feeling rough, with a capital rrrr. I've bravely been battling my female equivalent of man-flu (bird flu?) all week, but finally gave into the headache and sinusy-ness (that is a true medical term) and took the day off work.

I am feeling a bit better now, thank you for asking.

So, now it's officially getting Very Close to Christmas. I'm not a massive fan of Christmas Day, but I have an action-packed few days lined up. There will be shopping, there will be lunch with Hazel, there will be catching up with other old friends, there will even be a wedding.

There will also be a Midnight Mass service where Dad and I will go and sing carols and take the piss out of the sermon.

And there will be mince pies. I love mince pies. And teasing my brother. They are two of my very favourite things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess this will mess up your readership location stats. Holidays; it's not just the geese.