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Sunday, July 16, 2006


"I've got a text," says Mrs Nunn. "It's from your dad."

"What does it say?" I ask.

Mrs Nunn holds the phone as far away as her little arms will stretch, and peers and squints at the display. She reads like a small child who's learning phonetics. "Found... huge..." There is an ominous pause.

"Huge what?" I ask.

"Found... huge..." she continues. "No. No, hang on. Found phone. Was in... cat. No. Car. Found phone. Was in car. Oh. Your dad's found his mobile. I'll call him."

She does. His mobile was switched off. As is hers for 90% of the time. You have to wonder why they bother. A couple of those yoghurt pots with a piece of string would probably suit their needs better. And make my day marginally less amusing.


Anonymous said...

Not switched off! Service comes and goes in this valley -but point taken -got any yoghurt pots?

AH NZ Adventure said...

Again, what is it with Mums and phones? Mine also has to hold it at arms length to read it and gives a few versions of the text before the deciphered one.
I still have a text from Mum on my phone, the end of which amused me:
"Love nun xxxy"

Sara said...

I don't think my mum even knows what text messaging is! And I'm quite sure she'd have to whip out her reading glasses if she did get a text. I certainly can't imagine her ever sending one! She has a tendancy to turn hers off also, which would be fine if she actually figured out how to set up her voicemail!!! Still, Mums and their phones are quite amausing at times :)

Anonymous said...

I send my daughters texts all the time as they never answer the phone and I am getting quite quick at it now. I never use predictive text, I never abbreviate and I always use the correct punctuation. (Which will please you)

Laura said...

Very impressed by your phone habits... But you missed your final full stop. I doubt you on the punctuation front.
