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Monday, July 17, 2006

Fighting with the locals

Mrs Nunn and I had been stuck in non-moving traffic for 30 minutes. Mrs Nunn isn't known for her patience.

Finally the lights turned green. This was our chance! A fat girl waddled out into the street, taking her time, pushing a pram across three lanes of angry traffic. I pipped her on my horn. She stopped in the middle of the street and said, "What? Why don't you fuck off?"

Mrs Nunn shouted out the window, "It's a green light, you stupid cow."

Fat girl said, "I'm taking my fucking time, innit?"

As we turned the corner, Mrs Nunn shouted, "It's not very safe for your baby, is it?"

I turned a slightly whiter shade of pasty, aware we were still in slow-moving traffic.

Fat girl set her ugly brother onto the case. He spat at my little car and shouted, "You tramps!"

Mrs Nunn shouted, "Trash!"

I finally pulled away, and zipped off into the distance. I have never seen Mrs Nunn so excited. "Did you hear me? I called them trash! I was going to call them white trash, but I didn't want to be racist. It was really fun! Wasn't it fun?"

Although, half a mile down the road, stuck at a set of traffic lights, Mrs Nunn did cast a few furtive glances over her shoulder, though she denies it now... Turning her anger away from real people, she started on my poor sat nav system, Jessica. Poor Jessica was called a "stupid cow" more times than her little computer brain could cope with. Mrs Nunn isn't known for her patience.


Sara said...

Nice to know the British are as polite as Americans when it comes to road rage!
Not sure my mum would yell out of the window though, mainly because she assumes everyone here has a gun - especially where I live!
I normally keep my comments inside my car, with the windows up, just in case!

Anonymous said...

Ah, dear mother.....how she will have denied that all im sure.....

Brother Jack