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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Competitive? Moi?

Wish me luck. Because tonight is Book Club.

We have read a few decent things that I'd never have come across as a result of Book Club - "The Time Traveller's Wife", which I expected to be trashy, but really wasn't, "Vernon God Little" (fun with symbolism), "Empire of the Sun" (not bad), to name but a few. Of course, we've also read some real rubbish - "A Passage to India", "Brideshead Revisited" (hated it with an intense passion) and "The DaVinci Code".

Book Club is ostensibly an informal gathering of a bunch of work people to chat about a different book every couple of months.

For me, it's an opportunity to win.

Sure, sure, it's nice to get together and chat. The people are lovely and often the book's a pretty good one. But you see, English Literature is my "thing". So I have to win. I have to say the cleverest thing, or draw the smartest allusion (preferably to something no-one else has read). If the rest of the group doesn't hate me completely by the end of the evening, I've failed.

Tonight is "Wuthering Heights", which I loathe. Still, I have to think of something clever to say about it. Maybe I'll go for, "Of course, what's important is not just its received perception, but its perceived, received perception."

Oh, dear God, I am a wanker.


Laura said...

Loved "Time Traveller's Wife" - Erica liked it too. So that's two people, so you definitely ought to read it.

I always thought you liked "Wuthering Heights". I am trying to come up with at least three sarcastic things to say this evening.

AH NZ Adventure said...

So did I annoy you in English Literature classes with my "no comment" on everything we read or did that come under you "winning"?

You haven't answered my "bored, bored..." question...