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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Bloody brilliant

I mentioned the hotel was a bit rubbish. This meant I couldn't get my work laptop connected from my bedroom. I am a busy and important person and needed to write my blog (I mean, sort out important work emails).

So, I went to the Business Centre at the Harrogate hotel. "Business Centre" sounds impressive but is actually a computer cupboard with a fan. A fan as in something that blows cool air, not someone who tells me how great I am. Though that would have been appreciated too.

Five minutes in, my nose started to run. I searched for a tissue. There was no tisusue to be found. Then I realised that in actual fact, I had a nose bleed. Quite a significant nose bleed. And no tissue. My hotel room was five floors up, and the lifts were out of order. The carpets were cream. Returning to my room was not an option.

And that, dear readers, is how I found myself in the Majestic Hotel in Harrogate with a tampon shoved up my left nostril.

Unfortunately the bleeding didn't stop for a good 20 minutes - and I was unable to leave the business centre (tampon-up-nostril isn't a great look - hasn't made it to the catwalk this season). Luckily Hugh Grant and the curly guy from Green Wing didn't come in at that moment, both having separately decided to propose to me. Otherwise it could have been an embarrassing situation. Which of course it wasn't at all in any other way.

Then, as I had no pockets, I had to try and smuggle what was effectively a used tampon up five flights of stairs to my hotel room.

Seriously, does this sort of thing ever happen to anyone else?


AH NZ Adventure said...

You know I read your blog over my lunch break!
Luckily I went for the ceasar salad option today instead of tomato soup, but it's usually soup!

Anonymous said...

well actually, i'm always choosing between the hugh grant and such like....but the curly guy from green wing....what!?

If are you just someone who likes floppy hair why don't you go sleep with a mop!

Laura said...

Sleep with a mop? Been there, done that... Mop bit was rubbish but handle was OK.