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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Snaking it up

At the queue in the cinema, after talking about Johnny Depp's recent work, Lee asked for, "Two to see Snakes of the Caribbean please."

Tee hee. He then suggested the similarly brilliant-sounding Pirates on a Plane. I don't like Johnny Depp particularly, but even I would pay to see pirates. On a plane.

Snakes on a Plane was actually not all that bad. I'd heard horrendous reviews of it, and had gone along expecting it to be so bad that it was accidentally good. But in fact, it didn't pretend to be anything it wasn't, and there were a few genuine laughs along the way.

Looking forward to the sequel. We came up with a few - Cakes on a Plane - inducing near-fatal diabetic comas, Worms on a Bus - low-budget rip-off, Rakes in a Lane - a gardeners' special. Insert your own silliness here. Go.


Anonymous said...

Lakes down a drain?
H xx

Anonymous said...

'Rakes on a Plane' featuring John Wilmot, the Earl of Rochester, and his Cavalier chums whooping it up on a 747?

'Hakes on a Plane' - an Arthouse film for the cognoscenti in which Ron Ranson demonstrates his Big Brush technique on a jumbo jet?

'Wakes on a Plane' - Celtic gatherings to honour the dead in a mid-air drinkathon?