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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Edinburgh 2 - Something fishy this way comes

Before the clown, before the comedy, before love of the Festival had started to wear ever-so-slightly thin, Nice Kate and I went to see a play called Fish Story. Before the play even started, I got a little bit overexcited by the fact that the costume and set designer was Polly Lawrence - a friend from school. I didn't see her, but when I bumped into her at a London gig a few months back, she said she was working in theatre design, so that would make sense.

Small world. Polly, if you're reading this, look away now.

Nice Kate's and my opinion on the play went something along these lines (Nice Kate actually has some phrases written down in a notebook somewhere): "Less good than a big pile of hairy wank".

The premise was basically that three people had been abducted / persuaded to join some sort of cult and had been out of society for a few years. Though not that many years because one of them had an iPod. Still, she appeared to have forgotten everything about society, wondering implausibly, "What is the big grey river filled with chokebeasts? It is the umm two five. What is the umm two five?"

Twats. There was one good bit where it looked like one of them had been run over by said chokebeast, but unfortunately he got up again.

The play reached its climax with all three of the characters lying on the floor with their legs in the air, waving them around to a Morrissey song. There's never any need for that.

Back to the present - I did a storming gig at the Comedy Cafe last night, thank you for asking. I was quite nervous about it, but I loved every minute of it, and it's restored my faith in performing comedy, after a bit of a rubbish run - my last two or three gigs haven't been great. My friend Lee came along to the gig and gave me some useful feedback (he's a Proper Comic, so always happy to take his advice - happier still after a great gig).

Though out at the bar, we did get ambushed by an excessively drunk girl called Karen, who grabbed hold of us both to tell us how much she loved us. I wouldn't have minded, but she grabbed hold of my right breast and didn't actually seem to notice for a good few minutes. It felt a bit impolite to say anything.

Still, other than the fact that she was the wrong gender, that's practically a relationship for me.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you and Polly were friends!?

From "A jealous friend"

Laura said...

Well, we were at school together, we got on fine. We were in the same 6th form class. I wouldn't say we were close.

And don't worry, I think it's still OK for people to have more than one friend!

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know, change of plans - I probably won't be coming to your gig on Saturday (it's a "me and Sarah weekend"). However, I'm hoping that if you do any more Saturday gigs, I might be able to make it to one and persuade Sarah to make it along as well (the Kingston one is a vaguely attractive proposition, as I am at least familiar with that part of the world).

See you then, or whenever we next have a Cathy-organised meet-up thing.

All the best,


Laura said...

Gig didn't happen in the end, anyway (well, it probably did, but I wasn't there).

At the Bath House next Saturday instead, if anyone fancies it.

L x