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Thursday, August 17, 2006

From fruit flies to fruit cakes...

As I've mentioned before, my job's a bit unusual in that I work mad hours most of the time, but when I'm not away from London, there is the flexibility to work from home. This sounds like a smashing idea and a brilliant way of skiving, but in actual fact I tend to work harder, for longer and get more achieved whilst I'm at home. My employers are cunning.

Anyway, I was working from home yesterday, and realised it was about 2.30 p.m. and I hadn't yet had anything to eat. So I went for a wander down Bethnal Green high street in search of a salad.

Crikey, the nutters were out in full force yesterday. Of course, anyone vaguely conventional was at work, and so it was me and the freaks. (Or maybe just "the freaks" would have covered that one.)

My favourite was a man with a cute spaniel. The guy looked fairly normal - blond, floppy hair. He was walking along the street, then stopped dead in his tracks, raised both hands up to the sky and said in quite a posh voice, "Why? Why? I only asked for one thing and you give me a dog!"

The dog looked disappointed or guilty. I'll be honest, I'm not that good at recognising dog expressions.


Anonymous said...

Aha ! A perusal of your dates tells me you are in the fine county of Hampshire on October 17th for a gig. I will endeavour to come along and laugh very loudly and bring a Bigsy with me.

Laura said...

At this point in time, I think I'd much rather see a real, dead Italian clown. Actually, I'm not that fussed about nationality. So long as he's dead.

Cathy - 18th is the gig. 17th is my birthday. I shall expect that day to be held holy in my honour.

L x

Anonymous said...

18th, rightyho. All I know of Fleet is the services on the M3 so it will be an adventure to find it but I'll see if I can get a pose together to go and we can go through the range of Mary Poppins esq. laughs.