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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Trouble with the Plog

The trouble with the Plog is that people actually read it.

"You'll never guess what I did this weekend," I might say to Erica.

"You bought shiny things, test-drove a Corsa and beat your friend at Trivial Pursuit," Erica might reply.

"Let me tell you about the embarrassing situation in the Halloween shop," I could say to Nice Kate. Nice Kate would then relate back to me in my own words exactly what happened in the Halloween shop.

This is problematic. It means I can no longer regale my friends with my (let's be honest) hilarious anecdotes. Instead it means that as I have nothing new to say to them, I have to listen to their (let's be honest) frankly dull stories about their tedious, and in some cases unnecessarily protracted lives.

Luckily, once they read this, I won't have any friends left, and the problem will go away.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Now Laura, since I don't have the luxury of seeing you on a daily basis; in fact it's been at least a decade now (wow!), I feel it's perfectly necessary that you relay the random happenings in your life here in your blog. I find it quite entertaining. And I need that with my job!!!!

And since I won't be able to view your blog for a couple of days before I see you in London, you can tell me all the new stories in person.
