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Sunday, May 20, 2007


OK, OK, I have been a poor blogger. I apologise. Part of this reason is I have at least TWO cracking stories, but owing to circumstance they cannot be revealed yet. I'm hopeful that this will either be sometime this week, or else it might not be for a month. You will have to tune in regularly. I can, however tell you that the stories involve a) chocolate and b) a phone call.

Now you're gripped aren't you?

I knew I was an adult this weekend as I drove a round trip of about 250 miles to pick up some more floor tiles from Loughborough.

This also meant I got to see Erica, and we went together to pick up a Chinese takeaway. Loughborough is a strange kind of town. The town centre's quite up-and-coming (it even has a Marks and Spencer's Food Hall these days - fancy!), but drive just a little way out, and things start getting a bit Coalvillian.

Sign on a charity shop window:

"Sorry - we do not accept ex-carboots."

What on earth does this mean? The charity shop won't accept stuff you bought at a car boot sale? If you'd gone to the trouble of buying something, why would you then give it away? Or maybe it's stuff that didn't sell... in which case why is the shop being so fussy? Surely one crappy Barbie doll is as good as the next?

Unless, of course, they meant they didn't want anything that used to be car boot but isn't now. So that the item itself is an "ex-carboot". This would make sense, but Erica pointed out that they could be missing a niche market here; if she was in the market for an ex-car boot, the first place she'd go to would be a charity shop.

Not twenty metres away was a hand car-wash, with the helpful sign, "No HGVs". You have to wonder how many lorry drivers have chanced their luck with this.

Loughborough is an odd place. But it's still not as bad as Coalville.

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