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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Travelling like a pro

This time last year I was in Hong Kong, having a fantastic time in a city that is a mad mixture of neon, noise and noodles. I am currently deciding on my hols this year. It's a toss-up between South Africa or Tanzania (I loved Kenya), back to New York, or trying out Tokyo. Recommendations gratefully received.

Top "unusual" experience in Hong Kong:

- the hour I spent (and the £15 I spent) with a Chinese prostitute by mistake. Don't ask. Still, if anyone's planning a trip to Tsim Tsa Tsui, I can highly recommend Amy. When she says "full body massage" she certainly means it.


Anonymous said...

It was roughly this time last year you were coming to see me in sunny NZ.

Well I've been to visit you recently, so it's definitely your turn again!

I don't recommend any of those other options...far too high risk countries for people who have knee troubles and use this to go and get "massages" - albeit on their heads!

H xx

Sara said...

If you are considering visiting American, you know you have a place to stay in Philadelphia. It's a city overlooked by British tourist - we have great shopping (no tax on clothes!!!), great food, and all the history about that war of Independence, or whatever it is they celebrate on July 4th.
Plus, it's only a short distance from NYC!

My parents are headed for Africa this year.