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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Heavily accented

Long week, long hours and totally knackered.

Last night I went to see Richard Herring's ménage à un (do you have any idea how hard it was to get the correct accents there? My A-level in French wouldn't allow me to skip either of them. It's like I've been conditioned). Anyway, Mr Herring's show was the same Edinburgh show I'd seen in previews last year, and again at Edinburgh itself (with Nice Kate). Perhaps because I do comedy myself (or perhaps because I have a low IQ and therefore delight in repetition) I never seem to mind seeing shows several times, and enjoy either what's new, or the anticipation of a favourite joke.

I had a good evening anyway, which is something of an achievement as I was so tired. Richard was on form and seemed to be having fun with the show - which I admire as I know how easy it is to get bored of your own material. Unless you have a low IQ and therefore delight in repetition.

And as I saw Stewart Lee last week in Clapham (performing, I'm not stalking him or anything. Honest. Just because I've got form...), I feel I'm doing my bit in supporting comics who helped to form my love of comedy as a teenager. Now, does anyone have Harry Enfield's address?


Anonymous said...

The documentary Stewart Lee made on the whole Jerry Springer - blasphemy thing on Channel 5 is on YouTube if you put his name through. It's called 'Don't Get Me Started' and is very funny.

Anonymous said...

Harry Enfield
99 Terrace Road
Bethnal Green
(Being close should make the stalking easier....happy stalking)

p.s. when have you let a little thing like not having an address stop you :o)

H xx

Laura said...

Good point, Hazel. Anyone know where he works?

L x